Elizabeth Sagan, o cómo hacer de los libros obras de arte

Elizabeth Sagan ,a la artista que crea bodegones con libros,
Editorial ExLibric
Editorial ExLibric
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Un libro puede ser muchas cosas, desde un manual de autoayuda hasta una aventura de piratas, o un poemario capaz de hacer que los sentimientos afloren desde nuestro interior. Y si bien estas páginas ya pueden considerarse una obra artística, hay quien va más allá y utiliza distintos ejemplares para poder imitar cuadros, esculturas, o simplemente hacer una performance sobre una temática en concreto. Es el caso de Elizabeth Sagan.

¿Quién es Elizabeth Sagan? Una artista que desde luego se ha contagiado de la magia de los libros y ha sabido capturar esta esencia para poder dar vida a sus creaciones. Desde una imitación del yin y el yan, hasta una reproducción de la Capilla Sixtina. Todo es posible en la imaginación de esta joven. A continuación te presentamos varios ejemplos, eso sí, ¿te animas a realizar alguna creación?


La villana de ‘La sirenita’ cobra vida en esta creación en donde cada uno de los tentáculos está formado por un libro. Y este ejemplo tan solo es el comienzo de lo mucho que tiene que ofrecer Sagan.



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Tell me the superpower you want to have and I will decide the condition under which you’ll use it. #ad ? Last night I had a super cool dream. James, some other guy (I don’t know who) and I found a stone that granted us powers. We started fighting over it, but that’s beside the point. The point is that I love dreaming about flying/having superpowers because it’s the only time in my life when I can get a taste of it ? That’s why my favourite superhero is Superman (***me being basic***) – he might be average in his world, but he’s a god to us and he’s hot. So, if there’s anything that turns me into a geek monster is the concept of having superpowers. Books, movies, merch – doesn’t matter, I love them all. That’s why I love everything that @funidelia has to offer (for example, the shirt that I’m wearing). Their online site is a geek’s paradise. They have HP stuff, LOTR stuff, Marvel stuff, DC stuff, Star Wars stuff… you name it, they have it. ? #superhero #superman #marvel #dc #funidelia #comics #venom #batman #chronicle #villain #wonderwoman #thegreenlantern #theantman #ironman #loki #thor #blackwidow #hbo #tonystark #avengers #thanos #captainamerica #theblackpanther #spiderman

Una publicación compartida por Elizardbirth (@elizabeth_sagan) el

Los libros confieren distintos poderes, desde una gran imaginación hasta la posibilidad de convertirse en otras personas a través de relatos de fantasía. Pero en el caso de esta artista, han sido capaces de transformarla en toda una heroína.

Magia literaria.


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GIVEAWAY CLOSED. Winners: @unbreakable_spines and @sgd_singh . ? For this awesome Giveaway I partnered up (Ad) with the guys at @funidelia. Their huge online store has anything a geek could dream of: all sorts of costumes (like this Harry Potter robe and tie that I’m wearing, perfect for the Halloween), backpacks, mugs, funkos, notebooks, toys, makeup, helmets etc. All our favorite brands are represented: Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Pokemon, Nintendo, Adventure Time, Scooby-Doo, Lord of the Rings, Disney/Disney Princesses, Dragon Ball, Naruto and many others. If you are still wondering what you’ll be wearing this Halloween, you should definitely check them out. ? So we are giving away 2 GIFT CARDS of 100 EURO each that you and the person you tagged in the comments (!!!) can use to buy anything you want from their online store. ? TO ENTER: 1. FOLLOW @funidelia and @elizabeth_sagan 2. LIKE this pic 3. TAG 3 friends in the comments below (in separate comments please) ? If you win, but you tagged more than 1 friend in your comment, the first person tagged will be the one who will receive the second gift card (so make your other 2 friends a favour and use separate comments :)) ) ? The Giveaway ends Tuesday, October 23th at midnight EST. The winner will be announced on Wednesday, October 24th, at 2PM EST by random draw. ? This giveaway is in no way associated with Instagram. ? GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! ? #funidelia #halloween #harrypotter #potterhead #giveaway #hogwarts #jkrowling #rowling #dumbledore #grindelwald #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #thecrimesofgrindelwald #pottermore #wizardingworldofharrypotter #hermione #starwars #pokemon #marvel #dc #lotr #disney #naruto #bookstagram #instabook #igread

Una publicación compartida por Elizardbirth (@elizabeth_sagan) el

Antes de que Harry Potter llegase a la gran pantalla, se presentó en la vida de muchos jóvenes a través de sus novelas. Una fama que lo ha convertido, quizás, en el mago más famoso de la literaria (con el permiso de Merlín o Gandalf). Por ello no es de extrañar que Sagan haya querido rendirle un homenaje a través de una de sus creaciones.

La Capilla Sixtina.


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What superpower would be cool at first but would soon turn into a curse? #ad ? Let’s take for example turning everything you touch into gold. Not only would you risk turning people into gold, but you would also start the biggest financial crisis ever (haha). ? That is Kora’s life, the main character from A Touch of Told by @annsulliva. She’s the daughter of King Midas, whose gift—or curse—almost killed her. Midas relinquished The Touch forever, but ten years later Princess Kora still bears the consequences of her father’s wish: her skin shines golden, rumors follow her everywhere she goes, and she harbors secret powers that are getting harder to hide. * Kora spends her days locked in the palace, concealed behind gloves and veils, trying to ignore the stares and gossip of courtiers. It isn’t until a charming young duke arrives that Kora realizes there may be someone out there who doesn’t fear her or her curse. But their courtship is disrupted when a thief steals precious items from the kingdom, leaving the treasury depleted and King Midas vulnerable. Thanks to her unique ability to sense gold, Kora is the only one who can track the thief down. As she sails off on her quest, Kora learns that not everything is what it seems—not thieves, not pirates, and not even curses. She quickly discovers that gold—and the power it brings—is more dangerous than she’d ever believed. * Midas learned his lesson at a price. What will Kora’s journey cost? * A Touch of Gold by Annie Sullivan sounds pretty good and I can’t wait to read it! * Also, thank you, Michelangelo, for inspiring this pic ? * #atouchofgold #michelangelo #adamandgod #sistinechapel #vatican #rome #italy #painting #bookstoread #currentlyreading #currentread #flatlay #fromabove #bookish #bookishlove #kitap #bok #bog #lectores #literatur #livre #carte #? #iread #art #artofinstagram #artgram #wordporn

Una publicación compartida por Elizardbirth (@elizabeth_sagan) el

Uno de los fragmentos que todos conocemos en la Capilla Sixtina es la creación de Adán, una obra de arte en la que el mismo Dios imprime vida al primero de los hombres, creado a su imagen y semejanza. Al fin y al cabo, todo autor hace lo mismo con su obra, una buena metáfora que realiza Sagan en esta creación.

Un paraguas bajo la lluvia.


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Caption this pic. Best 3 captions get a shoutout. Be weird. ? Reading update: well, this has been a busy week so I haven’t finished anything :)) I only started another German book with short stories and kinda left the one I was already reading for later. How was your week reading-wise? ? This pic is inspired by @annas.buecher… and by an idea that I had a few months ago but it didn’t work out then because I used a real umbrela and it looked really bad ?. Also, I’m giving a shoutout to @book.lover24 because she also did a cool umbrela! ? ? #bookart #bookworld #instabook #igread #bookaholic #art #flatlay #fromabove #whplight #creative #booklovers #bookishlove #bookyourappointment #bookclub #bookcommunity #goodreads #epicreads #bookhaul #bookstagrammer #booksofinstagram #? #? #? #igreads #ilovebooks

Una publicación compartida por Elizardbirth (@elizabeth_sagan) el

Cada vez que uno lee es como si su cabeza comenzase a caer una fina capa de lluvia en forma de letras. Una metáfora que esta artista ha sabido crear en una de sus publicaciones en donde varios libros emulan las precipitaciones y otros tantos ejemplares hacen la vez de paraguas para protegerla de esta tromba.


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